Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Miseducation of Hip-Hop-Discrimination in Education

When it comes to one's personal experience or learning capacity very little has to do with the clothing they wear and what music they listen to.  Saying young adults should have to dress a certain way in order to reieve a better education is ludacris.  Just because a girl wears a lot of make up does time in that mean she learns less, or more, compared to a girl who does not?  Stereotyping is so unbelievably common, and what happened to "never judging a book by its cover?"  This passage shows discrimination and stereotyping not even from other children, which any minority would experience at one point and time in their life, but from professors in a university.  Does this mean the first lady, Michelle Obama, is less educated because of the fact she joined up with Beyonce, Jay Z's wife to help young children be more active?  Absolutely not.  There will always be thugs, black, white, whatever race that just will not care about education.  That should never be taken out on the highly intelligent young adults who may wear the same clothes and listen to the same music.  It is whats played now.  It is what everybody relates to. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

week 3 blog entry Postman and Powers

Postman and Powers claim on stationary pictures, moving pictures and language are that there is a difference between them all. Stationary pictures do not give you a sense of what is happening within it, it only give you a image of what is being shown at that time without any language to describe what is taking place at that point in time. Moving pictures and Language are very similar to each other because in a moving picture the viewer can get a better idea of what is happening before their own eye’s and language also can express what is happening within that moving picture or even a stationary picture with some sort of language writing on it would give a better explanation of what is going on in the picture.
Postman and Powers claim about today’s newscast  is that the viewer should be aware of what the anchors are trying to tell you by re-creation or by re-presentations of the story that they are try to get out. They want us to keep in mind that everything that we hear may or may not be the whole truth. The anchors may use Judgment and interference instead of description of the story and yes I do agree with them for the simple fact  that everybody bends the truth somewhat to make a great story.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Week 2 Blog Entry Darth Vader Commercial

This is a very cute commercial, it shows that parents are supportive of their child's imagination.  The little boy is represented in this video dressed as Darth Vader.  The parents are also represented in this video, the mother makes the child a sandwich and the father comes home from work in his Volkswagen.  This is a traditional interaction between parents and their children where as the mother provided the child with food, and the father coming home from work is very normal in a household within the 21st century.  The Darth Vader character is a very well known character from the Star Wars movies, and children now have a cartoon with the same characters in it.  There are also video games for children with the Star Wars characters.  Parents are very interactive with their children, the father knew that his son was trying to make things happen with his "special powers" and made the Volkswagen start with the key while they were inside to make the child think he did it himself.  As parents we feed into our childrens imagination to encourage them that anything is possible.