Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Week 2 Blog Entry Darth Vader Commercial

This is a very cute commercial, it shows that parents are supportive of their child's imagination.  The little boy is represented in this video dressed as Darth Vader.  The parents are also represented in this video, the mother makes the child a sandwich and the father comes home from work in his Volkswagen.  This is a traditional interaction between parents and their children where as the mother provided the child with food, and the father coming home from work is very normal in a household within the 21st century.  The Darth Vader character is a very well known character from the Star Wars movies, and children now have a cartoon with the same characters in it.  There are also video games for children with the Star Wars characters.  Parents are very interactive with their children, the father knew that his son was trying to make things happen with his "special powers" and made the Volkswagen start with the key while they were inside to make the child think he did it himself.  As parents we feed into our childrens imagination to encourage them that anything is possible. 

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